

The training Tallyman is made up to suit all personnel that, during their activities, have to control the loading and un-loading of cargo.

The candidates are learning the different aspects of the tallyman’s duties and will learn how to execute them in practice. The bill of loading and other documents, the IMCO-terms, the responsibilities towards the different parties, the different ship types and cargo types, the international terminology, the common symboles and the used tools are being covered profoundly. Even the structure of sea-vessels are being discussed to have a clear overview on the aspects of the profession.


  • Duties of the tallyman
  • Description of the ship and the different cargo’s
    • general cargo
    • containers
    • bulk
  • Basic IMDG
  • The documents and the symbols
  • The responsibilities of the tallyman
  • Practical exercises
  • Evaluation

Target audience

The candidates have to be at least 18 years old and have to experienced in the handling of cargo.

They need to have next capabilities: being very considerate and report in a correct an clear way.

Practical information

  • The training period is 10 days and will be executed at the customer’s facilities.

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